The Who, Why and How
of Shades Valley Lutheran Church

WHO we are:

Shades Valley Lutheran Church (SVLC) is a small church with a BIG GOSPEL. This Gospel is the good news that there is a loving, benvolent God who calls all people beloved and who, even now, is working to transform all of life.

Located at the intersection of Homewood, Mountain Brook, and Vestavia Hills in Birmingham, Alabama, SVLC is part of the Christian tradition known as Lutheran -- more specifically the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and its ELCA-Southeastern Synod.

WHY do we exist? (VISION)

To be a community hub

where GRACE thrives. 


HOW do we get there? (MISSION)

Growing in GRACE,

we welcome all,

worship joyfully,

and serve others.


OUR GUIDING Scripture is:

God is making new life,
not a day goes by without his unfolding GRACE

-2 Corinthians 4:16